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Northfield PTA
Northfield’s PTA was established in order to encourage parents to take an active role in the life of the school.
All parents are automatically members of the PTA and we look forward to seeing you at one of our half-termly meetings.
The PTA meetings provide an opportunity for parents and key staff within the school to meet and discuss proposed developments and changes within school. It is also an opportunity for staff and parents to meet and discuss wider educational issues and how these may affect our school. Our discussions are often focused upon how we as a school can support you as parents in supporting your child’s learning at home.
The PTA also has a role to play in fundraising and this year has raised funds to support some very worthwhile projects within school which have been of real benefit to our learners.
We meet six times a year. Meetings normally run from 6pm until 7pm. All issues are discussed in an informal and friendly atmosphere.
It is really important that this partnership continues. Please get in touch with us at school if you are interested in joining us at our next meeting.