At Northfield School, we pride ourselves on a commitment to a broad education. We believe our curriculum represents the best possible balance for all our pupils and the fact that almost all of our students last year went on to further education, training or employment reinforces this.
A key part of our options guidance programme is providing identifiable pathways for our pupils. By selecting within the recommended pathways, we feel confident that our pupils will be able to achieve their maximum potential and enable them to access Level 3 courses in further education and training.
Pathway 1 The English Baccalaureate
To recognise pupil achievement in a broad range of academic subjects the government has introduced the English Baccalaureate. The English Baccalaureate includes academic subjects highly valued by leading universities. This is not a separate qualification, but recognises achievement in English, mathematics, science, modern languages and a humanities subject (either history or geography). Pupils selected for this pathway must choose at least one modern foreign language and at least one humanity subject plus one further choice.
Pathway 2
Pupils following pathway 2 must choose one subject from the core block (French, German, history or geography) plus a further two choices from a range of subjects on offer. Pupils opt for subjects within curriculum areas, staff then decide whether a BTEC or GCSE route would be the best way forward. This does not apply to all subject areas are some are GCSE only and some are BTEC only.
Pathway 3
A small number of pupils are selected to follow pathway 3. Pupils on pathway 3 follow a foundation learning pathway. Foundation Learning is a credit based programme. Learners follow a personalised programme tailored to their individual needs and aspirations. A more personalised approach encourages learners to build confidence and fulfil their own potential.
The personalised programme brings together vocational and subject learning, personal and social development and functional skills with a particular focus upon additional support in literacy and numeracy.