European Day of Languages 2024

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Posted on 1 Oct 2024

On the 26th of September we celebrated European Day of Languages! 

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Students Take on Language Challenges

This week we’ve been having assemblies on languages, including language facts, the different languages our staff can speak and quizzes to earn prizes. All day, students were been given language questions at the start of lessons which they could answer on slips they were given. These slips were handed in and put in a raffle to win prizes this week.

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Language Themed Bake-Off

Our pupils also enjoyed some language challenges like “Bake-Off” based on languages, where pupils baked themed cakes for judging in order to win prizes.


Learning Fun Language Facts

Pupils learned fun facts about languages, like how the Greek word “Meraki” doesn’t translate to any English word. Roughly, the word represents 'soul, creativity and love that you put into something - the essence of yourself that you put into a task'. 

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Our students did excellently in their challenges and were given the chance to win plenty of treats as a reward!